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Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to Connect Oracle Database with Microsoft Access Database?

As salamualikum (islamic greetings), brothers and sisters. :)

Hope you are well with the grace of Almighty Allah (swt) but stuck in a place when you try to connect oracle database with MS Access database.

In short, you are trying to access MS Access data from Oracle DB.


This connectivity calls heterogeneous connectivity.

Important: The init-parameter GLOBAL_NAMES should have value FALSE. Check this parameter first before continuing the procedure.

In this example, I uses,
Database Name: TESTDB
OS User                :Administrator
OS password     :admin123

Setp 1 – Create Database Link via system DNS

Important: use 32-bit odbc driver for 32-version of oracle database and 64-bit odbc driver for 64-bit oracle database.

A 64-bit version of the Microsoft Windows operating system includes the following versions of the
Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Data Source Administrator tool (Odbcad32.exe):

  >>  The 32-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder.
  >>  The 64-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\System32 folder.
 if odbc driver not found on the odbc list then click at  C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

(32-bit) for 64-bit download link are

  1. On the Oracle server start the ODBC Data Source Administrator. This can be done by using the run command: go to start/run and type odbcad32 and press enter.
  2. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window go to the System DSN tab and click on Add...
  3. Choose in the Create New Data Source window the Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and click on Finish.
  4. In the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup window enter the data source name (e.g. TESTDB), the description (e.g. Test database) and select the Access database
    1. If the Access database is on the same machine as Oracle is running, you can ignore step 1.5 and step 2!
  5. If the Access database is on another machine in the network, you should use UNC-path notation. In the Map Network Drive window, leave the drive-letter on (none) and select via the UNC-path (e.g. \\\HAMS_2013\HAMS_2013.mdb) the Access database. Finish the creation of the ODBC Link and close all the ODBC windows.

Step 2 Create Network ID
In order to perform a good connection to the Access database on another machine, you need to follow the following steps:
  1. Create on the network and user id (e.g. TestDbAdmin) and give this UID read rights on the location of the Access files. NOTE: use the appropriate rights, this depends on the actions you want to take on the Access database.
  2. Place this user, TestDbAdmin, in the ORA_DBA group on the Oracle server.
If you want to use Administrator user account. Go to windows service.  Change the Database and TNS service Log On As administrator.
Right click on a services  >> go properties >> go Log On and use this account.

Restart both the services.

Step 3 Create the Oracle TestDb listener (Oracle HS)
Important: Oracle Database Version 10g (known as inithsodbc.ora), Version 11g (known as initdg4odbc.ora)  
Ø  10g file location: ORACLE_HOME\hs\admin\inithsodbc.ora
Ø  11g file location: ORACLE_HOME\hs\admin\ initdg4odbc.ora

Open the file at notepad and, modify the HS init parameters

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = <odbc data_source_name>
HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL = <trace_level>
HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = TESTDB ( created at setp 1)

 Open the file listener.ora (%oracle_home%/network/admin) and add the following text, save and close the file (e.g. 11g database listener)
Original configuration
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = C:\Oracle\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
      (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:C:\Oracle\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oraclr11.dll")

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

ADR_BASE_LISTENER = C:\Oracle\app\Administrator

Modified Configuration
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = C:\Oracle\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)
      (ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:C:\Oracle\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oraclr11.dll")
    (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = dg4odbc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = C:\Oracle\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
      (PROGRAM = dg4odbc)


      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))

ADR_BASE_LISTENER = C:\Oracle\app\Administrator

Stop and start the listener service or from the command line:
C:\> lsnrctl stop
C:\> lsnrctl start

Open the file tnsnames.ora (%oracle_home%/network/admin) and add the following text, save and close the file.
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost) (PORT = 1521)
      (SID = dg4odbc)

Final Step- Create Oracle Database Link to TESTDB
Connect to database as SYS user or any user having create database link privilege.

CONNECT TO "Administrator"      --- OS user name
IDENTIFIED BY "admin123"           --- OS password

Test the Link

select * from dual@"TESTDB";
If you got a number of rows back, you're done!
### http://adf.ly/tm6Da
### http://adf.ly/tm6NA
Metalink Note
1. Document 1195583.1
2. Document 1475507.1
3. Document 234517.1

If it helps, leave your message.

Praise to Almighty Allah(swt). 

Fi amanillah

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Database 11gR2 Installation done successful with DB Console Start Error!!!

As salamualikum (islamic greetings), brothers and sisters. :)

Update: Bellow issues for Database release 11gR2 ( BUT at release 11gR2 ( fixed

Hope you are well with the grace of Almighty Allah (swt) but stuck in a place where your first installation of Database 11gR2 isn’t successful in total.

Why in total? When you at the end with the successful message but just before that you get a message that “Unable to start DB console”. You database functioning well without dbconsole. 

Don’t worry. Here are few tricks, which will help you to get it functioning.

First two steps of solution 1 for all the solution.

Solution 1
This is the simplest and quickest solution.
1.       Check the status of the console by opening the command prompt (windows)
a.  C:\> emctl status dbconsole
Most probably you will get error like (Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined. Please set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name.)

2.       Now set the ORACLE_UNQNAME and it will be the SID. How you can get it? Go to DB_Home directory and you will get a folder name HostName_SID. For example, your SID is ORCL the you may get “<path>\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\localhost_ORCL”
a.  C:\>set ORACLE_HOSTNAME=localhost
b.  C:\>set ORACLE_UNQNAME=orcl

3.       Now Start the dbconsole by command
a.  C:\> emctl start dbconsole
Hope it works ;)
Now login to dbconsole via browser with url https://localhost:1158/em

If first solution doesn’t work the try,

Solution 2

1.       Follow steps 1 and 2 of solution 1.
2.       Check your system time zone from system or from database. From database follow
a.      Open sql*Plus and get the value of
3.       For +06:00, oracle time zone is Asia/Dacca
4.       Now open the emd.properties file from <home>\ product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\localhost_AIT\sysman\config and open it with notepad or notepad++
5.       Go to the last line and change the value of agentTZRegion to Asia/Dacca for example, agentTZRegion=Asia/Dacca
6.       Save and restart the dbconsole from windows service (administrative service) or restart the PC.

Hope it works ;)
Now login to dbconsole via browser with url https://localhost:1158/em

If it helps, leave your message.

Praise to Almighty Allah(swt).

Fi amanillah