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Sunday, June 5, 2011

How to Install Oracle Developer Suite 10g on Windows Vista / 7?

When you try to install Oracle Developer Suite on your windows Vista or Windows 7 PC but it’s failing giving an error message "Checking Operating system version must be 5.0, 5.1 or 5.2..... Actual 6.0 or 6.1 - Failed"
What will you do?
Don’t worry, simply follow the following steps, and it will works.
Before installation, right click on setup.exe then click properties, from the tab select compatibility and select windows xp service pac3/pac2 from compatibility mode settings.

Click ok…
And now try to install... it works


  1. This post describes how you can install Oracle developer suite on Windows 7/Vista. I work on Windows 7 so I followed those steps which are applicable for Windows. If you work on Vista you can follow those steps. Thanks.

  2. I got an error about the systems swap space.It said it requires more that 1535 mb but my systems swap space is more than that.

  3. @ Anonymous

    A swap file, also called a page file, is an area on the hard drive used for temporary storage of information. Windows uses the swap file to improve performance.

    To view your current swap file information in Windows 7

    From the Start menu, right-click My Computer or Computer, and then select Properties.

    Note: If this doesn't match what you see, refer to About navigation settings in Windows.
    From the Tasks menu, select Advanced system settings.

    In the dialog box that opens, click the Advanced tab. Under the "Performance" section, select Settings... .

    In the Performance Options dialog box, select the Advanced tab.

    Click Change... . The swap file information is listed at the bottom.

    Hope this Helps


  4. Hello friends! I had the same problem and solved just by setting up a 2000MB swap

  5. I'm running into this same issue. My swap space shows 3325 in windows, but during the installation under the compatibility mode it shows as 0. What am I missing?

  6. http://blogueabedoracle.blogspot.ca/2010/01/installer-oracle-forms-10g-sous-windows.html

  7. Thank for your help

  8. Hi Friend,

    I have installed oracle 10g in my local system and download resource file from server. But I don't know how to set resource folder path in windows 7 for 10g forms.

    Kindly help me please

    Thanks & Regards,
    V. Anjan
    Email: anjanv1@gmail.com

  9. Hello
    i have installed oracle developer 10-g. And used this setting on formsweb.cfg


    When i run it on ie , ie die, and ff shows The requested URL could not be retrieved , Can any one tell me where i am doing wrong??

  10. hi,
    as i am trying to learn oracle. so could you help me that how i can start using oracle from the beginning like from downloading till end. The proper link for down load the file. e.t.c.

    1. @ Anonymous,
      I can't help you all the way. First try with google then post your problem at http://community.oracle.com/

  11. hi, can anyone help me with this....
    I am getting this error while installing developer suite 10g.

    "The value of the environment variable path is more than 1023 characters. This value cannot be set."

  12. Hi All, I am trying to install SOA so, I am getting below Error, in my system , there are configuration, windows 7 32 bit, 4 GB RAM.

    Please suggest me what should i do to remove below error.

    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

    Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz . Actual 2100 MHz Passed
    Checking swap space: 0 MB available, 512 MB required. Failed <<<<
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors Higher than
    256 . Actual 4294967296 Passed

    Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements before

    continuing with the installation,

    Continue? (y/n) [n] passed

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